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Užitečné kontakty

Incoterms 2020





Teritoriální setkání
- Datum konání: 4.10.2013, 08:30
- Datum ukončení: 4.10.2013, 13:00
- Místo konání: Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu, Na Františku 32, Praha 1
Business opportunities for Czech SMEs in the Chinese market. Seminář bude v českém jazyce
China’s continued robust economic growth is helping to create new business opportunities for Czech SMEs across many industry sectors. The EU-SME Centre in Beijing has recently launched a new business tool – ‘Are you Ready For China?’ – to provide a step-by-step introduction to the Chinese business environment, allowing SMEs to gauge their preparedness for doing business in China. This half-day session will provide the opportunity to learn more about the opportunities that exist for SMEs in China, and the range of support services available for businesses keen to do business in China.
The language of the seminar is Czech.
08.30 Registration
09.00 Opening remarks - Ministry of Industry and Trade, ICC Czech Republic, Technology Centre AS CR
09.30 Is China on your Radar? - EU SME Centre Expert
- Introduction to the EU SME Centre and its diagnostic kit for SMEs doing business in China
- General introduction to China’s macroeconomic framework and what it means for European SMEs
- Specific opportunities by industry sector
- Q&A
10.45 Coffee break
11.05 Company case 1 - Speaker, organisation Name of speaker will be confirmed later by CzechTrade Agency
11.20 Are you ready for China? - EU SME Centre Expert
- Exporting goods, services and technology to the Chinese market: a closer look at import regulations and processes, including practical tips and best practices.
- Overview of different modes of entering the Chinese market
- Knowing your partners in China: the essentials of conducting preliminary due diligence in China
- Q&A
12.35 Closing remarks
12.50 Lunch, followed by 1/1 consultations provided by the EU SME Centre expert and representative of CzechTrade/MIT
(15-20 minutes per SME)
Cooperation entities:
bez poplatku
Hodnotící formulář
Vaše teritorium

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