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Digitalization of Trade Finance Current developments and trends in Trade Finance
- Datum konání: 26.11.2018, 09:00
- Datum ukončení: 26.11.2018, 15:30
- Místo konání: ICC ČR, Florentinum (recepce A), Na Florenci 2116/15, 110 00 Praha 1
Electronic documents and their use in Documentary Credits and Collections; BPO – the next stage; Blockchain in Trade Finance, Halotrade.
Seminar with a leading Foreign Speakers - The Seminar will be held partially in English with no interpretation!
Who should attend:
This seminar will be of benefit to professionals working in bank´s trade finance departments working with various trade finance products and instruments such as documentary credits, bank guarantees, export and import financing, etc. Bank IT specialists and relationship managers will gain an insight into practices in trade finance with focus on supply chain finance, IT solutions for trade finance, etc. The seminar will be also very valuable to business people active in trade finance.
Beneficial for:
- bankers in trade finance departments with working experience,
- IT specialists, relationship managers,
- exporters and importers using trade finance instruments and services.
Shona Tatchell - CEO and Founder, Halotrade
Shona is the CEO and Founder of Halotrade, a blockchain enabled Fintech start up focussed on the delivery of sustainable supply chain financing. Formerly Head of Innovation for Trade & Working Capital in Barclays working in partnership with Fintech companies which will shape the future of the global Trade business.
Shona was a Director with Barclays for 6 years, and was previously Global Head of FIG Trade, delivering trade finance, trade services and risk mitigation solutions to bank and non-bank clients globally. She joined from HSBC where she was a senior manager in the European Structured Trade and Advisory team within Global Trade and Supply Chain. She began her career with The Chase Manhattan Bank graduating from the European Credit Training Programme and joined Chase’s Trade Finance team, where she spent 13 years working in London, the Middle East and Singapore where she headed Chase’s Trade Finance business.
Shona owned her own successful hotel business in Scotland for several years after leaving Asia, before returning to banking in 2008. Shona holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts in Modern Languages (French and German) from Oxford University.
Pavel Andrle
Mr. Andrle, BSc., LL.M is a Secretary to the Banking Commission of ICC Czech Republic which he regularly represents at the ICC Banking Commission meetings abroad. He was involved in development of URBPO as a member of the ICC Banking Commission Consulting group on BPO. Nowadays, he is a member of ICC Task Force on Guarantees, also a member of the new ICC Banking Commission Consulting group for Forfaiting (which developed the new ICC rules for Forfaiting in cooperation with former IFA, today´s ITFA). In years 2010-2011 he also served as a member of the ICC Banking Commission Group of Experts which drafted the official ICC Banking Commission Opinions on ICC Rules.
Petr Čermák - Enterprise Architect, Public Sector, IBM Global Services Delivery Center Czech Republic, s.r.o.
Danica Šebestová - Partner, Squire Patton Boggs, s.r.o
Petr Ložek - Partner, PwC, s.r.o.
Gabriel Dusil - Co-Founder & General Manager, Adel Ecosystem Ltd.
Gabriel is a seasoned sales and marketing expert with over 25 years in senior positions at Motorola, VeriSign (acquired by Symantec in 2010 for 1.250 billion US$), and SecureWorks (acquired by Dell in 2011 for 612 million US$), and Cognitive Security (acquired by Cisco in 2013 for 25 million US$). He is a blockchain entrepreneur, with strengths in international business strategy. Gabriel has a bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics from McMaster University in Canada and expert knowledge in blockchain incubation, cloud computing, IT security, and video streaming, and Over the Top Content (OTT). Gabriel also runs his own company, Euro Tech Startups s.r.o, and manages a professional blog at https://dusil.com.
Adel is a technology incubator for blockchain innovation. Our community collaborates on ideas and uses the AdelWiki(TM) to collectively create business plans. Members vote on projects and can become profit participates when they are launched. Expertise within the community brings mentoring, learning, and employment opportunities. Successful projects are re-invested for further growth or issued as rewards to members. Adel is blockchain agnostic and will harness the features of any open-ledger platform to showcase its potential. Our mission is to incubate projects that will positively change the world. Join today and Start Something Great.
08:30 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 09:05 Introduction - Representative of ICC CR
09:05 – 10:30 Welcome and Opening of the Seminar
Introdution to the Blockchain
- Blockchain – new technology
- Blockchain – what is it exactly?
- How does blockchain function, key features
- Enabling framework for blockchain
Speaker: Petr Ložek
10:30 – 10:50 Contact break
10:50 – 12:00 Halotrade – Blockchain solution for trade finance
- Blockchain solutions for trade finance - Halotrade
- Key features of Halotrade solution
- Discussion
Speaker: Shona Tatchell
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 13:50 Blockchain in Trade Finance
- Enabling framework for blockchain to function in international trade and finance environment
- Assessing the true potential of blockchain in trade finance – current platforms, developments
- Blockchain solutions for trade finance – changing landscape
- We.trade – platform based on blockchain
Speaker: Petr Čermák
13:50 – 14:10 Contact break
14:10 – 15:30 Blockchain – legal and other issues, opportunities
- Legal implications, questions, opportunities and risks
- Other related issues, debate
- Digitalization in Trade Finance - discussion
Speakers: Danica Sebestova, Gabriel Dusil, Pavel Andrle, Petr Čermák and Shona Tatchell
Slevový program:
Člen ICC ČR – sleva z celkové částky: 1 a více kolegů z jedné společnosti – sleva 10, 20 nebo 30localhost dle příspěvkového řádu
Nečlen – sleva z celkové částky: 2 kolegové z jedné společnosti – sleva 5localhost, 3 kolegové z jedné společnosti – sleva 10localhost, 4 a více kolegů z jedné společnosti – sleva 15localhost
Jste členem ICC ČR? Seznam členů naleznete zde (v dolní části stránky).
Registraci je nutné provést pro každou osobu zvlášť pod jejím jménem, e-mailem a telefonním číslem.
Registrace na seminář je závazná, při neúčasti se uhrazený účastnický poplatek nevrací, viz. Všeobecné obchodní podmínky ICC ČR, storno poplatky viz. bod 4.
Prezence účastníků před seminářem v čase 8:30 - 8:55 hod.
V průběhu semináře bude účastníkům poskytnuto občerstvení a oběd.
Přihlášky ve wordu zasíláme na požádání - filipkova@icc-cr.cz
Těšíme se na Vás :)
- Kontaktní jméno pořadatele: Renata Filípková
- Telefon na pořadatele: 257 217 744
- E-mail na pořadatele: filipkova@icc-cr.cz
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