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Investing in Serbia – Opportunities and Main Considerations
- Datum konání: 29.3.2017, 16:00
- Místo konání: Kinstellar, Palác Myslbek, Na Příkopě 1096/19, Praha 1
Investing in Serbia – Opportunities and Main Considerations
Kinstellar, Emerging Europe’s leading international law firm, and TPA, a leading tax advisory and auditing services company, are pleased to invite you to a seminar on investing in Serbia. The seminar will take place at Kinstellar’s Prague office, Na Příkopě 19, Prague 1, on Wednesday, 29 March 2017, at 4 p.m. (registration of participants will start at 3:30 p.m.).
Topics will include:
- general investment climate and the main political, economic and legal parameters
- investment and tax incentives
- corporate and M&A basics and issues (ongoing financing of a Serbian company and Czech tax impacts, tax impacts of repatriation of profits, etc.)
- general overview of the Serbian tax framework
- building a business in Serbia – tax and accounting considerations, practical advice for dealing with Serbian authorities
- hot investment sectors and projects – infrastructure, energy, PPPs/concessions etc.
Kamil Blažek is a Kinstellar Partner in Prague and Head of the firm-wide Infrastructure sector. He focuses on transactions and advisory work in M&A, energy and infrastructure, foreign investments and real estate.
Branislav Marić, a Partner in Kinstellar’s Belgrade office, is a prominent Serbian lawyer with more than 18 years of experience in commercial law. Branislav specialises in M&A, capital markets, finance and energy.
Bojan Žepinić, a Partner in TPA Serbia, with overall responsibility for the management of the company in Serbia. He specialises in M&A, restructurings, incorporations, contract review and preparations, personal and corporate taxation, VAT, cross-border taxation, etc.
Jan Soška, a Partner at TPA’s Prague office, is a tax advisor providing corporate and personal income tax services, including social and medical insurance aspects. He specialises in international taxation and transfer pricing.
The seminar will be followed by an informal canapé reception, offering the opportunity to meet with business leaders experienced in dealing with these issues.
- 3:30 - 4 pm – registration
- 4 - 5:30 pm – seminar
- 5:30 - 6 pm – discussion
- 6 - 7 pm – drinks & canapés
Please note that the seminar language is English and translation services will not be provided. Participation is free of charge, but registration is required due to the limited capacity of the venue.
We kindly ask you to express your interest in attending this event before 24 March 2017, by email, to ludek.wojnar@kinstellar.com.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
- Kontaktní jméno pořadatele: Luděk Wojnar
- Telefon na pořadatele: 221 622 144
- E-mail na pořadatele: ludek.wojnar@kinstellar.com
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